Pigmentation and Laser Skin RejuvenationTreatment

What is it?

Our bodies contain a pigment called melanin, determining the colour of your skin, hair, and eyes. Anyone with darker skin tends to have more melanin pigment in their skin cells than those with lighter skin types. Skin imbalances and disorders can cause inconsistent skin colour and blotchiness.

The laser diminishes the colour and size of the area being treated. Pigmentation is a dark patch of skin that can vary in size and colour caused by over exposure to sun, genetics or hormonal changes.

What Can Cause It?

Common causes include; over-exposure to the sun, genetics, hormonal changes, or medical conditions and trauma to the skin (like burns or due to picking at spots).


Dark or light patches of skin that can vary in size and colour.

Treatments Pricing

  • 15 Mins Pigmentation Treatment From £80

  • 30 Mins Pigmentation Treatment From £150

  • 45 Mins Pigmentation Treatment From £225

  • Skin Tightening From £140

  • Collagen Boost From £140

  • Diffuse Redness Price on Request


Note: Consultation required prior to treatments.